Frequently Asked Questions
Commit to C.A.R.E. is a public awareness campaign with a mission to:
- Debunk myths about the spread of the COVID-19 virus
- Make the complexities of the science easier to understand through various engaging multi-media tools
- Encourage businesses to pledge their commitment to C.A.R.E. for the health and well-being of their employees, clients, and customers.
C.A.R.E. is an acronym that reflects the principles of Community, Awareness, Responsibility, and Engagement. As such, we strive to deliver clear science-based messaging that reflects our commitment to public health across the communities where we work and live.
We know that vaccination is one key way to reduce the transmission and severity of COVID-19. However, there are other steps organizations should take to mitigate its spread and protect what matters most — people.
This campaign will promote and disseminate a variety of free resources (such as micro-training videos, checklists, web tools) for businesses to safeguard their employees as well as demonstrate their commitment to the communities in which they reside. All tools developed under this project have been created with the needs of a nonscientific / non-medical audience in mind - people running businesses. They are designed to empower accountability and responsibility and intended to facilitate access to information by everyone.
Commit to C.A.R.E. was developed in 2021 by the AIHA and IBEC, under a cooperative grant agreement funded in part by a CDC/NIOSH grant.
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Commit to C.A.R.E. was designed for organizations and the workers that work for them.
Commit to C.A.R.E. stands for community awareness for risk reduction and community engagement.
The goal of Commit to C.A.R.E. is to drive the commitment from the leadership level down to the individual level.
It is about an individual taking responsibility to care for and protect their family, friends, co-workers, and community.
Commit to C.A.R.E. was designed with a wide range of industries and professions in mind, making it easy to understand and simple to implement - organizationally and individually.
Commit to C.A.R.E. is an interactive online training product that includes training videos, interactive risk assessment tools, checklists, signage for posting, and placards/stickers to signify the commitment by that person, business, or company.
We know that serving as the front line of infection prevention has been difficult during the pandemic.
While Commit to C.A.R.E. is more specifically targeting the general workforce, we have developed additional materials for healthcare workers, and we can actively work with this profession to provide knowledge and tools to support their roles and responsibilities.
Ventilation is a component of Dilution, a proven mitigation strategy to reduce the concentration of viral-laden airborne particles in the built environment.
Our knowledge products will include topics on ventilation and recommendations to improve dilution through the application of ventilation.
The determination of “ineffective” should be addressed by a trained professional in the region and we do provide guidance for who meets the criteria for a trained professional.
Ventilation is not the only strategy for reducing disease transmission. Other complementary strategies include vaccination, human diagnostic testing, wearing of masks, social distancing, and being cognizant of the time spent in a room with others.
While we are not voicing encouragement for employees to confront employers, it is the responsibility of each employer to provide a safe working environment for employees per the Occupational Safety and Health Act.
Informed employees can share with employers their knowledge of environmental mitigation strategies that they have learned through Commit to C.A.R.E.
Information is power both to employees and employers.
There are many ways your organization can support Commit to C.A.R.E.
As a partnering organization, we are asking for your support in the following ways:
1. ENDORSE: Provide us with your organization's logo to add to the website and communications materials. That's it. Having your endorsement will influence others to Commit to C.A.R.E.
2. ENDORSE and SHARE: This option is a combination of #1 above and your organization's commitment to share information about this program with your members, colleagues, etc. If you agree to this, we will send you a media toolkit with sample newsletter articles, social media posts and artwork for you to add to your website and correspondence.
3. ENDORSE, SHARE and LEAD: This is a combination of #2 above, plus your organization's commitment to appoint a liaison to help reach out to other audiences.
We would ask this appointee to help arrange brief webinars with your members as well as with groups of your members’ clients or customers to educate and mobilize even more people.
The appointee would be invited to occasional meetings and be provided with a Leadership Toolkit to guide them.
Yes, absolutely! Please email to schedule a time to discuss how best we can educate and engage your members with Commit to C.A.R.E.
Please email us at and a team member from AIHA or IBEC will be in touch with you. Make sure you include your name and the name of your organization so that we can keep better track of your requests.