Become a Partner
Thank you for considering joining the Commit to C.A.R.E. initiative as a Partner Organization. All we ask is for you to fill out the form below once you’ve determined what level your organization will pledge to support the effort. There is no money involved…just your time and influence in sharing these vitally important knowledge products with your members and other audiences as appropriate.
Level 1. ENDORSE Provide us with your organization/agency’s logo to add to the website and communications materials.
Level 2. ENDORSE and SHARE This option is a combination of #1 above and your organization/agency's commitment to share information about this program with your colleagues. If you agree to this, your organization will be provided with a Media Toolkit that contains sample newsletter articles, sample email invitation for your members, sample social media posts and artwork for you to add on your webpage.
Level 3. ENDORSE, SHARE and LEAD This is a combination of #2 above, plus your organization/agency's commitment to appoint a liaison to help reach out to other audiences. They ask that this appointee help arrange brief webinars with your agency to educate and mobilize even more people. The appointee would be invited to occasional meetings and be provided with a Leadership Toolkit to guide them in joining us as we lead this public education effort.