Indoor Air Quality Tools

Science-based indoor air quality tools to make workplaces safer from the infectious diseases of today and tomorrow.


Our mission

Why is indoor air quality important?

Most people spend around 90% of their time indoors, mainly at home or in the workplace.

Viruses that transmit as airborne particles, such as the viruses that cause COVID-19 and measles, pose a significant risk. They can squeeze into small places nearly 10,000 times smaller than a human hair, travel long distances. and stay active in the air for at least 4 hours.

Ventilation helps clean the indoor air, and it’s essential for reducing the risk of the spread of infectious diseases.

Poor indoor air quality
can lead to:

Grupo 17801

Irritation of eyes, nose, and throat

Grupo 17803

Sick Building Syndrome

Grupo 17599

Building-Related Illness

Grupo 17600

Acute Respiratory Infection

Grupo 17804


Grupo 17603

Cardiovascular Diseases

Grupo 17601

Headaches, dizziness and fatigue

Grupo 17602


Benefits of proper
ventilation in a building



Provides oxygen and fresh air for human respiration.



Dilutes indoor air pollutants to levels below those recognized to cause disease or injury from exposure to harmful contaminants, odors, and vapors.


Aerosol control

Uses outdoor, filtered air with a low aerosol concentration to control aerosols inside buildings.


Air distribution

Creates proper air distribution and promotes a healthier and more comfortable environment.

Supplemental technologies for improved indoor air quality

Icon - GUV

Germicidal UV light

Germicidal UV, also known as GUV or UV-C, is a particular type of ultraviolet light that can help reduce the number of airborne viruses indoors. It emits radiation with wavelengths between 100 and 280 nm, with 254 nm being the most effective.

Benefits of Germicidal UV light on indoor air quality

  • Deactivates or kills viruses and bacteria that are present in the air
  • Reduces mold and mildew growth
  • Reduces the spread of infectious diseases
  • Improves respiratory health
Grupo 16550

In-room air cleaners

In-room air cleaners are devices designed to improve indoor air quality by removing harmful pollutants and contaminants from the air. These devices work by drawing air through filters that trap particles such as dust, pollen, and smoke, and some models also use technologies like UV-C light to kill bacteria and viruses.

Benefits of in-room air cleaners on indoor air quality

  • Reduces the concentration of airborne viral particles
  • Helps to limit the spread of infectious diseases
  • Can supplement other infection control measures
  • Can improve overall respiratory health and alleviate symptoms of allergies and asthma

Indoor air quality tools

You can access all the Commit to C.A.R.E. videos captioned in French, German, Arabic, Vietnamese, Mandarin, Hindi, and Bengali here.

  • All
  • General business employers
  • Healthcare employers
  • Long-term care employers
  • Vaccination